In my four years in college I have experienced a wide range of things: good and bad. I've had bad roommates. I've had great roommates. Let me tell you - having bad roommates really teaches you to appreciate the good ones. I've made friendships, I've lost touch with people - some of which I've reconnected with. Others, its like we never missed a beat. I was in a car accident (during finals week none the less). I lost family members due to death, but gained new ones when I was welcomed in by my aunt's loving sisters and their families. I learned that I could work under pressure, stress, and deadlines. I solidified my hatred of group projects, but came to terms with the fact that the work place is a group project, and you've gotta get over it at some point. I faced rejection, as well as success. I had not one, not two, but three internships, in a field I never thought about going into upon entering as a freshmen: radio.
So, what did I learn from college?
- Always expect the unexpected... and usually at the worst time. Life happens. You've gotta roll with the punches. Sometimes, good things happen! Sometimes, not so good things happen. Take things as they come, the reason life is so good is because the hard times make the good things as great as they are. Embrace the unexpected - in the end, things work out!
- A closed door means another one is opened... you just have to find it! If you would have told freshmen me that radio was what I wanted to do, I would have laughed and said you were crazy. Sports was my world. After facing rejection, I took a desperate leap to find something, hell, ANYTHING, that would accept me. I was beaten down, lost, confused, and had no idea where to go. Someone was kind enough to give me a chance, and I somehow built up enough strength to give something unknown a chance... And I LOVED it!
- Get out of your comfort zone... sometimes, its not so bad! Sometimes, you've just gotta try new things. I don't mean go shoplifting. I mean new experiences! Try new foods, talk with people of different opinions, try a new religion, go crazy. You can always go back :)
- The best things come in small packages... this is not a joke. Sometimes, look past the big and glamorous! Great things can come from the most unexpected, overlooked areas. And sometimes, bigger isn't better.
- Travel any chance you get... there is a great big world out there! Need I say more? Explore! Find new places. Who knows, it could be you're future home!
There is a lot more I could talk about... College went by in the blink of an eye for me. I moved 3,000 miles from home, lived on my own, and experienced so many things. I made new friends, expanded my network, and learned who I am as a person.
You'll never be able to keep in touch with everyone you met, but hopefully you'll be able to remember the times you spent together, and look back on college as a great experience. It was a lot of work, and a lot of stress, but it was also a lot of fun and something I'll never forget.
I leave my fellow graduates with the following.... It may be an old song but I feel the message still applies...
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
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