This Meograph goes over a very brief history of Penn State's THON organization, and highlights the 2013 event as well as the preparations for the 2014 THON event. Due to the fact that it is a student run organization, the interviews included focus on the students who help run the event. It covers their experience from committee members to dancers, and canning weekends to the 46 hour dance marathon.
THON is a huge event on the Penn State campus, and is known for being one of the largest organizations of its kind. Capturing it as the incredible organization that it is has proved to be a challenge, but I hope that this gives you a glimpse as to what it is, what it stands for, and the incredible people that Penn State students are.
Below, you can find a photo slideshow with various THON photos that I was not able to place in this video. Later on this week I plan to have some full length interview clips that also did not make this video for anyone who is interested in watching. Consider it your "extras"! :)
Also, I want to give a shout out to all of the students who let me interview them as well as borrow photos and videos to make this story possible.
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